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Ways to Green : 3 Digital Tech Moves for Your Hospital.

Ways to Green : 3 Digital Tech Moves for Your Hospital.

One of the global trends forecasted is Sustainability, Eco-friendly, and Climate-friendly practices. Many organizations around the world have already started implementing these practices.

But did you know that this trend isn’t just a temporary fad for the coming year? It is set to be a defining trend for the future. So, how can hospitals align with this trend?

Today, MEDcury will share 3 strategies to help hospitals Go Green sustainably and be environmentally friendly.

1. Digitization : Transforming Analog Data to Digital

Digitization involves converting physical or analog data into digital formats, such as turning photographs into image files or paper documents into digital files.

This method significantly reduces paper usage and waste production, which is especially relevant for hospitals.

According to CynergisTek, an average-sized hospital with 1,500 beds uses over 8 million sheets of paper per month—a staggering figure.

2. Digitalization : Using Technology to Revamp Workflows

Digitalization refers to the integration of technology to improve various workflows, enhancing efficiency. For hospitals, this means reducing human errors and boosting data analysis capabilities, which can aid in decision-making.

Additionally, it helps in conserving resources and cutting costs in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner.

Technologies for Digitalization in Hospitals

Hospitals can leverage various technologies to transform their workflows, including:

  1. Electronic Medical Records (EMR): Replacing paper-based medical records with electronic systems to streamline and secure patient data management.

  2. Health Information Systems (HIS): Utilizing comprehensive digital systems to store and manage hospital-wide data efficiently.

  3. Health Information Exchange (HIE): Facilitating seamless data sharing between hospitals to enhance patient care and coordination.

  4. Telemedicine: Offering remote services to overcome location constraints and improve accessibility.

In addition to the benefits mentioned, these technologies can enhance patient satisfaction and bolster the hospital's image as a socially responsible and modern organization.

3. Cloud Computing : Storing Data in the Cloud

Cloud Computing refers to storing and processing information systems via the internet. This means users can access data and services as needed without limitations on location, device, volume, or time.

The term "Cloud" signifies that data is stored on servers that could be located far from us, potentially on the other side of the world, much like data being on a cloud.

One cloud technology that can help hospitals Go Green is HIS On Cloud. You might wonder how this technology benefits hospitals. Consider the electricity needed to keep an on-premise HIS server running 24/7, including lighting and air conditioning to maintain the optimal temperature.

For more insights, click to read our article on 'Telehealth vs. Telemedicine: What’s the Difference?'

The energy consumption for such systems is significant. With HIS On Cloud, hospitals do not need to install both software and hardware on-site. This reduction in physical infrastructure leads to less electricity use or, in some cases, a substantial decrease, helping hospitals meet their green goals.

Additionally, HIS On Cloud can reduce hidden costs, such as those related to system maintenance personnel and other resources like electricity and space.

According to Microsoft Corporation and WSP Global Inc., Cloud Computing can save up to 93% of energy compared to on-premise data centers.

Research from Berkeley Lab and Northwestern University indicates that businesses can reduce energy costs by 60% to 85% by switching to cloud-based services.

Turning Hospitals Green: A Goal Within Our Reach!

We hope these 3 approaches inspire you to adopt modern technology and innovations that optimize energy use and are environmentally friendly. Let's work together to create a sustainable Green Ecosystem.

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