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Checklist of 4 Must-Have Features in HIS for Guaranteed Security!

4 must have features in hospital information system for guaranteed security

Recently, there has been news about cyberattacks targeting hospitals to steal data, causing system outages for several days and significantly slowing down patient services. Additionally, hackers released a costly ransomware virus! This is a nightmare for hospitals storing electronic data, but reverting to manual paper records may not be the real solution. Today, MEDcury will show you the four essential features that every Hospital Information System (HIS) must have to ensure robust protection. Let's check if your HIS includes all of these features!

1. Role-based Access Control (RBAC)

This feature controls access to different parts of the HIS and restricts user access based on predefined permissions. For example, doctors can access all parts of a patient's medical record, while registration staff can only access general personal information, not the entire medical record.

2. Data Encryption

This feature is a must-have today as it is one of the best ways to protect hospital data. Encrypted data remains secure both during transmission and at rest. Even if hackers gain access to the data, decrypting it would be extremely difficult, making unauthorized access nearly impossible.

3. Anonymous Patient

Sometimes, hospitals need to cater to VIPs or individuals requiring special care, such as national figures or those whose personal information cannot be disclosed due to severe circumstances. The Anonymous Patient feature is crucial for controlling and limiting access only to authorized personnel.

Unlike RBAC, even if personnel work in the same role, they will not see the real patient information unless they are directly responsible for the patient’s care. For example, a patient’s name might appear as ‘Anonymous Patient’ or ‘XXXXX XXXXXX.’

4. Cloud Backup

Usually, hospitals have onsite backups for their data, but relying on a single backup method is not sufficient. Hospitals should also use offsite cloud backups. This approach not only helps recover from cyberattacks but also protects data from unforeseen events like natural disasters that could affect data centers. It provides long-term protection and problem-solving.

MEDcury suggests frequent cloud backups to ensure data is always up-to-date for maximum efficiency.

How Does Your HIS Measure Up?

Does your HIS have all four of these features? If yes, great! If not, consider upgrading your HIS or exploring new systems that include all these features to maximize security.

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